Crosley 5V1

Brand: Crosley Year of Manufacture: 1934 Frequency Range(s): 535 - 1700 Kc, 1.65 - 4.5 Mc
Tube Lineup: 80 Rectifier,
42 Output, 6B7 Detector/AVC/A.F., 6A7
Osc/Mod, 6D6 I.F. Amp
of Nostalgia Air. Riders 5-21
radio was purchased from a fellow radio collector at the IHRS fall meet
on October 13th 2007. After looking over many radios at the meet,
this one was selected as a decent project. Below: The radio when first purchased.
Besides the obvious cabinet damage and
chassis rust, more problems were found when disassembled. Several
components and wires were either cut or missing, mainly in the audio
output section. The speaker cone was badly damaged, but salvageable.
The chassis was badly rusted, with very little, if any of the original
plating left. While probably not the best choice, I opted to paint the
chassis. Once painted, all paper and electrolytic capacitors were
replaced, the controls were cleaned, rubber mounting washers for the
tuning capacitor were replaced, and the I.F. trimmers were aligned.
When all repairs were complete, the radio was functioning normally on
both bands.
The speaker cone was repaired using brown
construction paper, dryer fabric softener sheets, and fabric glue. Once
the cone repairs were complete, the entire cone was lightly sprayed
with a matching color of paint to blend in the repairs. Below: The restored chassis.
The cabinet required quite a bit of veneer work.
Several pieces had to be reglued, and a few had to be completely
replaced. I chose a color scheme that involved spraying black lacquer
over the center grill area, like Peter from
used. Not only is Peter a fellow IHRS member, he
is also the person who I purchased my 5V1 from. You can read about Peter's 5V1
restoration here. Since the grill was going to colored with
black lacquer, wood filler was used to repair this area. Below center: The cabinet undergoing
The grain was filled using Bartleys grain filler.
Once the filler had dried, and the cabinet was sanded, it was time to
mask off certain areas to be toned. Mowhawk brand toned lacquer and
Deft brand clear lacquer were used. The grill cloth is a reproduction
from RadioDaze. The missing knobs were purchased from David Frush.
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2007 "Jeremy's Antique Radios"