Philco 41-225

Brand: Philco Radio &
Telev. Corp. Year
Manufacture: 1941 Frequency Range(s): 540 - 1600KC, 1.6 - 3.3 MC
Tube lineup: 35Z3
Rectifier, 35A5 Output, 7C6 2nd Det/AVC/1st Audio, 7B7 I.F.,
Det/Osc, 7C7 R.F.
Schematic: Available here,
of Nostalgia Air.
Riders 12-48
ebay find in March 2007. Upon examination, this radio must have come
from some sort of a museum. The original finish was almost flawless,
the filters had been replaced, a modern cloth covered power cord had
been added, and a small plaque specifying the year and band was tucked
away next to the chassis.
Restoration included replacing all capacitors, and
restuffing the modern replacements into the shells of the originals.
The finish only required some minor touching up.